Thursday, October 8, 2009

Extreme Makeover: Explorers Club Home Edition?

Determined to beautify the new home of Explorers Club, Brittany has been hanging crafts and decorations around the Atlantic Avenue space all week. From number lines to tissue paper leaves, the artwork of our growing group of Explorers is bringing new warmth and color to our cozy space! The colorful hula hoops that have graced the walls since we moved in sure are fun, but nothing beats the proud looks on our tykes' faces when they see their own creations displayed around them. With Vino's help, Brittany was able to reach for the stars ---or at least the tiled ceiling---as she hung miniature pinatas in the likenesses of a witch, a ghost and a bat!
With Gayla away for a long weekend, we are without our resident visual artist, but Cole, Philip and the rest of the Explorers made her proud as they spent the morning creating their own works of art. With some help from Ka Yiu, Brittany and Amy, the group made pumpkin head bands using construction paper, glue, some googly eyes and a lot of imagination! They may not be the most cunning of costumes, but our pumpkin patch of toddlers was certainly the cutest disguise we've ever seen! Add to the mix the plastic pumpkin musical shakers that Haven, Simone and the rest of the gang made and the only ingredient missing from this pumpkin party was a delicious pumpkin pie! (We'd have settled for sweet potato as well!) The crafting continued well into the afternoon, completing with a celebration of the letter of the week (P!) and the color of the week (pink!) With glue, cloth, ribbon and paper bags in hand, our Explorers made pink puppets so wonderful Jim Henson would've come a-knockin' for this talent!
It seems that our weekend is already getting off to a grand start! Reza, Lili and Simone will each be enjoying some grandma time soon. Reza's grandma is in town for the next week, and is spending every second she can with him! We'll miss him while he's being doted over, but we have to admit, we understand! Nothing beats the hugs, love and yummy cooking of a grammy! When Liliana and Simone left the space today, they too had visions of Grandma dancing in front of them. After an early start in the car tomorrow morning, the twins and their parents will be off to spend a long weekend in Massachusetts, visiting their Grandma and enjoying the beauty of the turning leaves. We'll be thinking of them tomorrow while the Explorers Club makes fall collages in part using the leaves that Lili and Simone collected on this afternoon's walk with one of our favorite interns, Natalie.
Before the sweetest twin girls in Brooklyn left for the weekend, they gave Amy an early birthday present that's right up her alley: a gorgeous cookbook with photographs that left the Explorers Club teacher's mouth watering! Amy was especially touched as next week marks not only her birthday, but also the one-year anniversary of Explorers Club, and the day that she met her very first students in the Atlantic Avenue play space: Lili and Simone themselves! Happy Birthday Explorers Club!
With wheat allergies abound in Brooklyn and beyond, including for our very own Kish and Amy, it was an important lesson to learn today that no wheat doesn't mean no treats! Haven brought in delicious wheat-free choclate chip cookies that she made with her daddy, Kisha's husband Chris. Mmmm! Homemade isn't the only option for wheat-free snacks: Pamela's Products, which donated treats to our booth at Atlantic Antic, makes amazing wheat-free chocolate chip and ginger cookies. A special thanks to Pamela's Products and Robert's Gourmet for their edible contributions to our Atlantic Antic booth last Sunday!

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