Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Explorers Fall into a Fun Leaf Craft!

2: Cool for School's head teacher, Sarah Crow, recently started an exciting new venture as a graduate student! While Sarah's foray into professional publishing is wonderful news for her future, her Explorers will surely miss her, and wish her the best of luck! It looks like Tommy, Lena, Thelonius and Jackson had a turn of good luck as well, because rather than start anew with a teacher, we've plucked one from our very own New York City Explorers family: Amy, one of the teachers of Atlantic Avenue's Explorers Club has taken on the fun task of making Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at Underhill the most fun they can be! While adjustments can be difficult for little ones, Amy has spent time babysitting some of her new Explorers over the past few weeks, helping to make the transition as smooth as possible!
Lyouba took a break from working her marketing magic this morning to join Thelonius as he built an architectural wonder out of blocks this morning. As an artist herself, Lyouba always appreciates promising young talent, and Thelonius' decision to build a block house with four roofs and slanted walls showed his ability to think outside of the box with the best of Brooklyn's grown-up artists! Amy had her work cut out for her leading the Explorers away from morning play and to the craft table, but with Vino headed over soon to teach Kid Fitness, she knew she had a very short window of opportunity for a quiet lesson before the running and jumping would begin anew! After learning about the letter L and making leopard-spotted headbands to celebrate one of the 26 starts of the alphabet, Tommy and crew were ready to fly to Germany with Vino and learn about the animals that live there. Who knew that two-year-olds could make pretending to be hedgehogs look so cute?!
While the tots at Underhill made leopard headbands, Lili, Shayna, Luca and the rest of the kids in the Explorers Club enjoyed crafting something that begins with the letter L as well: Leaves! Brittany's craft helped bring some seasonal decor to our home on Atlantic Avenue, as the tykes decoupaged foam leaves with Autumn-colored tissue paper to hang on the walls. The children are all so proud of the leaves as well as the number line that they decorated the class room with yesterday! Haven had to leave early to head to the doctor, but we're sure he made it worth her while with an Autumn-colored lollipop after her visit was over.
It's still only mid-week for most of us, but Gayla begins a long weekend this evening to head home to Massachusettes for the weddings of her good friend and her brother! Two weddings in one weekend: What a "love"ly thought!

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