Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Monster Mash: It was a Preschool Smash!

It may feel like early Summer outside of the walls of our playspace, preschool and offices, but with Thanksgiving fast-approaching and the trees outside our windows long-since having been stripped of leaves, NY City Explorers already has a plethora of fun Fall events under our belt for the year! From our Explorers Academy Preschool Halloween party and monthly EAP Parents Playgroup to the FREE Prospect Heights Pumpkin Painting Patch sponsored in conjunction with Blue Marble Ice Cream and We SIT, You SHOP, sponsored in conjunction with Gap at their Union Square store at 122 5th Ave, our seasonal calendar has seen enough action to tide us over until the New Year! The best part? The mid-November date that's highlighted on our Google calendars mean that we still have over 6 weeks of fun ahead of us before we ring in the New Year!
Pre-Halloween snow may have made trick-or-treating next to impossible for much of the Northeast, as cute costumes had to be forsaken for warm sweatshirts and flashlights over the weekend, but the kids at Explorers Academy Preschool were thrilled to have the chance to celebrate all things spooky and silly on Monday, October 31st, with parents and younger siblings onhand to partake in the fun right along with them! With Miss Elisa sporting the wartiest witch costume this side of the Brooklyn Bridge and Miss Dina channeling The Wizard of Oz as the sweetest scarecrow we've ever seen, the students' world was positively transformed into a charming childlike fantasyland, complete with a scary story room, perfectly pumpkiny cupcakes and a magician who worked his magic on the parents, even convincing Louis' usually impeccably tucked-in mama Julia to take part in the show! We're thrilled that she was such a great sport!
Snacks are super and the magic show stupendous, but everything took a backseat when the costume train rolled into town, making the way for Sadie the Strawberry, Freddie the Bat and a trio of Spiderman look-alikes as interpreted by Rio, Kai and Flor! The very cutest costumes were made complete by EAP teaching assistant and Bag-of-Tricks-Babysitter Rae Stimson, who drew, dotted and sketched facepaint creations fit for the stars!
Anytime parents are participating it's a special occasion; The hard work can come when their tiny tots would rather snuggle securely in their arms than get involved in the goings-on at hand. Luckily for us, the teaching staff at EAP made sure that that wasn't a problem, as Elisa, Dina and Miss Christine tangoed through the room, scooping up children and encouraging their participation in the costume parade as they went.
And because no analysis of a costume party would be complete with out it: The award for best costume, as decided unanimously by out panel of teachers was Freddie's dad, Mr. Bryan Mechutan, popular as the Pope for the afternoon! We confess: Fun was had by all!

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