Monday, February 7, 2011

Preschool is like a box of chocolates

The goal of our preschoolers' Lango Mandarin teacher is that all of the tots develop basic Chinese verbal skills., but hey, when they're 2 years old we'll take basic English skills too! In that spirit, teachers Miss Brittany and Miss Katia congratulated 2-years-old Hugo last week when he pointed to his Mandarin class name tag and easily identified the letters H and O in his name. Way to go Hugo! With parents who speak French as well as English, and such a comprehensive language exposure curriculum at Explorers Academy Preschool, it's only a matter of time before Hugo will be identifying letters and characters in words form all around the globe!
We are so proud of the fact that the diversity of the neighborhood in which our preschool is housed is so well-reflected in our teaching and support staff as well as amongst our students. Rio voiced his appreciation as well, recently, when he joyfully informed Miss Brittany during cooking class that she looks like vanilla and that Miss Franceline looks like chocolate! It's such a true delight to hear our little ones' pure unfiltered thoughts each day, before they reach the age of self-censorship! Cooking class is Rio's favorite class of the week, so it's only natural that he had sweets on the brain.
Perhaps the little ones' next cooking class should be preceded by a lesson about food groups. Better yet, maybe a visit to the Queens County farm is overdue. Long-time Explorer Shayna, smarty pants though we all know her to be, showed some room for growth when she proclaimed chicken to be a vegetable! After "cooking" up some pretend chicken for miss Devan during Imagination Station time, Shayne was told by Miss Devan that as a vegetarian she does not eat chicken. Shayna responded by asking, "Why not? Chicken is a vegetable."

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