Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Gobble Gobble!

The Explorers Academy Preschool was filled with the scent of Autumn this morning, as Miss Brittany's Butterflies fluttered into the kitchen to make homemade cranberry sauce as their contribution to tomorrow's Thanksgiving Potluck. With Kisha's husband hard at work smoking up a Southern style Thanksgiving turkey and desserts promised from so many of our EAP parents, not a single belly will leave our party empty!
While Brittany's class stirred pots and licked lips, Miss Katiya's Caterpillars crawled down Schermerhorn Street to their weekly pre-ballet class at Brooklyn Ballet. No one was more excited to show off his moves than Hugo, now 2 years old and ready for preschool! Hugo's friends were already so happy to learn of his arrival that they ran to the door to greet him this morning, but once they saw the pumpkin cupcakes his mom, Elisa, had brought to celebrate his first day, an army couldn't have held back their enthusiasm! We're sure Hugo is happy to be with his friends and while we're delighted to have him we know that his old friend Rowan Magee, the NY City Explorers Bag of Tricks Babysitter who has been caring for Hugo for the past few months, is sad to see him go. Don't worry Rowan; We'll take great care of him! For now Hugo leaves his friends behind each night to snuggle with Mom and Dad at home, but in a few short weeks he'll have a playmate at home too! Hugo's mom, Elisa, and Dad, Julian, are expecting a new addition to the family any day now,and we can't wait to welcome another addition to the NYCE family!
With cupcakes, new babies, gorgeous Autumn weather and Thanksgiving on the brain, our Explorers and staff have so much to smile about most of the time, so everyone was sad to see kid-favorite staff member Edwin arrive this morning with a scratch on his face! Poor Edwin walked right into a tree this morning while walking his dog; We hope our Explorers learned an important lesson about always watching where you're going!

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