Saturday, May 29, 2010

When life hands you lemons...

share them with friends!
NY City Explorers' best-dressed teacher, Brittany, loves all children, especially those she cares for each and every day, but none so much as her own niece, Madison. It was with little Madison in mind that Brittany booked a trip to visit family in South Carolina for this long weekend, leaving Thursday morning's regularly scheduled classes at NY City Explorers in Amy's competent hands.
It may have been too early in the season for the city's sprinklers and pools to provide respite during Wednesday's heat wave, but there was plenty of waterplay during Thursday morning's Savvy Scientists class. After a brainstorming session about the many uses of water, including correct guesses of transportation, cooking, washing and more, Dean, Lucas, Shayna and the rest of the bunch had a chance to test the density of different household objects the fun way---by tossing them into a bowl of water! With Ka Yiu's help, Brooklyn's Brightest Babies even charted their guesses about each object as well as the experiment's results. Toy car? Sink! But a piece of paper? Floated like a balloon! The pre-Memorial-day splashing sure was fun, but an even sweeter summertime treat followed. Homemade lemonade, fresh-squeezed by twelve tiny tots during Amy's heat-free cooking class. Squeezing, mixing and stirring proved quite a workout for all parties involved, but the tasty results rendered the effort worthwhile. Smelling and tasting the fresh fruit brought Liliana's mind back to her family's recent trip to Israel, where the four-years-old cutie spoke of gobbling "lots and lots of watermelon" during the two week visit to her grandfather's home. May all of our Explorers and families enjoy a wonderful holiday weekend full of lots and lots of watermelon over the next couple of days, and, more importantly, may the families of our nation's fallen heroes know how thankful we all are for the sacrifices that those men and women have made as we remember them on Monday.

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