Tuesday, March 23, 2010

And the award goes to...

...Keyanna Murrill, for excellence in business ownership! Well, not exactly. While Keyanna does an amazing job as co-owner of New York City Explorers, along with her old college roommate, Kisha Gandsy, the real prize came late last week when she was the recipient of the Congressman Elijah E. Cummings Congressional Achievement Award!
Keyanna, who participated in the Elijah Cummings Youth Program as a high school student, was presented with the award by the Congressman himself for being a "Legend Among Us" amongst her peers in the program. As a member of the program, which is designed to cultivate leadership, Keyanna participated in workshops in leadership development, donated countless hours to various community service projects in her Baltimore community and participated in a trip to Israel. In Israel, Keyanna's leadership training continued with lessons in group dynamics, appreciation of cultural diversity, and team-building, even as she and the other future leaders enjoyed tours of such sights as the Jordan River and the Dead Sea.
As a successful business owner in New York City, Keyanna epitomizes the program's values. Congrats to the lovely and talented Keyanna on her accomplishments and on receiving this honor!
Our Explorers may not be as accomplished as Keyanna yet, but we have no doubt that they will be soon! What they already are is bright, cute and artistic, and at the end of any given day of the week we still adore each and every one as much as when they arrived in the morning. That level of adorable deserves just as much of an award as any of Keyanna's accomplishments do! To that end, on April 2nd we will honor our Explorer's Club tykes with a Jazzy Tea Party, complete with our very own awards ceremony. Grab your tot, pack him or her a fancy-pants outfit, and join in the fun. Festivities begin at 4:00 pm for all Explorer's Club members and families.

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