Saturday, December 26, 2009

All aboard the birthday train!

New York City Explorers hopes that everyone enjoyed a Merry Christmas day yesterday, and that the long weekend is being enjoyed and spent with loved ones.
While both of our play space locations are closed this weekend to allow all of our Explorers and staff to enjoy the holiday, the scence at our Underhill location was far from quiet last weekend, as giggles and music filled the play space last Saturday. Luca, the son of Kisha's good friend, celebrated his 3rd birthday last Saturday with Audra and Amy on hand to facilitate his train-themed birthday party.
Luca's mom, who's expecting a little sibling for him any day now, enjoyed socializing with her friends and family over fruit, punch, ice cream and gluten-free chocolate cake---a treat even guest Kisha could eat! Prior to gobbling birthday cake and other treats, Luca and his friends enjoyed making train puppets and singing at a train-themed song circle, which included favorites such as "I've been working on the railroad and a creative rendition not of "The Wheels on the Bus", but "The Wheels on the Train"! Have your own little conductor at home? Try Amy and Audra's song on your own during your little one's next long car ride or bubble bath! Alternate verses to "The Wheels on the Bus" are as follows:
"The Wheels on the Train"
The Wheels on the train go round and round!
The whistle on the train goes toot toot toot!
The doors on the train go open and shut!
The conductor on the train says, "Tickets please!"
The tracks beneath the train go clackety clack!

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