Monday, November 16, 2009

Sugar Rush

There was an empty place at the table today at 2: Cool for School. Our friend Nakai has moved to the Explorers Club program at 110 Schermerhorn. Nakai has only spent 3 weeks with Thelonius, Kiera and the gang, but already he has become an integral part of the group, with his silly comments during circle time and contagious smite. The girls at Underhill know Nakai will be in great hands with Gayla and Brittany, but they'll miss him just the same!
Saturday afternoon was almost warm enough to warrant a fan or air conditioner, and although today wasn't quite that unseasonable, it was nice enough to play outside, where a gentle breeze and brisk air was just enough to power the windmill craft that was in store for the kids when they came inside. Windmills, the outdoors, a cool breeze... The only thing that was separating this morning from a New England summer day: ice cream! Fortunately for Keira, Tommy, Jackson and Thelonius, Amy had some delicious tricks up her sleeve.
While we love our roommate Blue Marble, and think that there's no better ice cream in Brooklyn, a lesson in frugality as well as in science is always a welcome one, espeially in trying eceonomic times. It was with craft and thrift in mind that Amy and the tykes made homemade vanilla icecream, using milk, sugar, some zipper bags and a bath of ice and salt. To try this activity and other edutaining projects with your own tyke, be sure to attend one of our Savvy Scientist classes. The Winter session begins December 7th: for details or to register your child, call (718)399-6923 or visit our website at
Our Explorers at Underhill only tasted a few bites of ice cream each, but the sugar rush must have been a powerful one, because the scrreaming, chasing and running around that followed was enough to inspire Amy to cancel plans for storytime and lead the group into the back yard for the second time in one day. Tommy found some beautiful leaves, and the girls at Blue Marble found some respite from Tommy's indoor use of his outdoor voice!

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