Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Mmm mmm good!

For so many of our Explorers, the most exciting part of the holidays is the anticipation of yummy food and thoughtful gifts. In New York City, we are surrounded by Green Markets that offer the best of both worlds: all of the homemade breads, jams and wine anyone could desire to give or receive! With a chill in the air and fresh produce on the brain, Amy, Thelonius and Jackson rode the Q uptown to Union Square, where every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday the square clears out to host the mother of all Green Markets!
First stop after arrival at the market? The bake stand, of course, where Jackson chose a double chocolate chip cookie and Thelonius made a more worldly snack choice: a fresh almond croissant! While they munched the treats, the cutie pies browsed the market's stands, taking in the chili pepper wreaths, fresh cheeses and milticolored broccoli. Although Tommy got a late start on Monday, his father, Bob, was kind enough to not only meet the crew in Union Square, but to tag along for the morning as an impromptu extra chaperone. While the time comes in every child's life that he or she tries to break away from family and assert some independence, Tommy, Thelonius and Jackson are still years away from that stage, and all three boys were more than happy to have Bob's company as he and Amy led the boys through the market and into one of the most kid-friendly spots in Union Square--- Petco! After weaving their way through the many school groups that were also at the market on Monday morning, the crew stepped into the doors of Petco and down the stairs to enjoy the only thing these boys appreciate more than treats: critters! Tree frogs, water dragons, chinchillas and snakes filled the tanks in the store's small pet room, and while Thelonius and Jackson couldn't get enough of the slimy creatures, Tommy, ever the lover of power tools, couldn't take his eyes off of the staff member who was using a shop vac to clean out the gerbil cages. After stopping by the bird room, it was finally time to head out of the tropical environs of the store and back into reality---November in the Northeast... The weather has been moderate so far, but it won't be for long, so in anticipation of those long winter nights ahead, Amy detoured the boys toward the homemade soup stand en route to the train, where she picked up her very favorite comfort food: potato leek soup. Support the local economy and fill up a warm belly all at once? Check!

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